5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need A Financial Advisor

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5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need A Financial Advisor

Leland Gross CFP® EA | June 24, 2024

5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need a Financial Advisor

Real estate agents are always hustling, whether they're networking, showing properties, or closing deals. But amidst all this, they often forget to prioritize their financial future. Unlike traditional employees, real estate agents don't have the luxury of a company retirement plan. They're essentially small business owners, and this makes financial planning even more crucial. If you're serious about building wealth and securing your future, partnering with a financial advisor is essential. Here’s why real estate agents should avoid the "For Sale By Owner" approach when it comes to their finances.

1. Get Your Financial House in Order

Real estate agents need clear guidance to navigate their financial journey. A financial advisor helps set and achieve financial goals by first assessing your current financial status. They'll create a net worth statement and analyze your tax returns right from the start.

Using advanced financial planning tools, advisors can present this information in an easily digestible format, often accessible through an app. This means you can see where you stand financially at any time. With a financial advisor, you can stay organized, track your progress, and confidently move towards your financial objectives.

2. Consistency is Key

Achieving financial success is about consistency. A financial advisor provides a structured process that keeps you on track. They tailor a financial plan to your unique needs and goals, ensuring it evolves as your career progresses.

Simply earning a high GCI (Gross Commission Income) isn’t enough; it's about how you manage and invest that income. Advisors conduct quarterly check-ins to update and adjust your plan, addressing the variable nature of your income. These regular check-ins ensure you’re always optimizing your financial strategy.

3. Expertise Matters

Being a top-notch real estate agent is demanding, leaving little time to master financial planning. Delegating these tasks to a financial advisor allows you to focus on your business. Advisors handle a wide range of critical financial tasks, including:

Managing commission income

Tax planning

Selecting the right retirement plans

Investment management

Insurance analysis

Rental real estate modeling

Estate planning

A knowledgeable financial advisor does more than just invest your money; they provide comprehensive financial management tailored to your needs.

4. Clarity for the Future

Meaningful conversations with a financial advisor help shape your financial future. Whether you plan to work into your 80s or retire early, each scenario requires different financial strategies. Advisors use sophisticated software to run "what if" scenarios:

What if you spend $20,000 a year on vacations?

What if you buy a family lake house?

What if you max out your Solo 401k plan annually?

What if you cover 100% of your kids' college costs?

Advisors present the financial impact of these choices, helping you make informed decisions that align with your goals.

5. Mastering Cash Flow

Dealing with variable income and planning for the future can be challenging. A financial advisor helps design a net worth statement that balances short-term liquidity with long-term growth. While there’s no universal solution, many real estate agents benefit from a diverse financial portfolio, including:

Checking accounts for daily expenses

High Yield Savings Accounts (HYSA) for better returns on savings

Brokerage accounts for long-term growth and liquidity

Retirement accounts tailored to career stages

Investment real estate to leverage industry expertise

Real estate agents face unique financial challenges. They need someone who can help them organize their finances, provide consistent support, manage details, clarify their future, and handle cash flow effectively. A financial advisor helps real estate agents achieve financial success, allowing them to focus on what they do best – selling real estate. If you're ready to secure your financial future, PeaceLink Financial Planning is here to help. Let's connect and start building your financial success today.